easy town projects
rethinking & shaping businesses

We will continue to bring people and ideas together from around the world: not to plunder the planet, not to screw up people, not to dominate, not to exploit — but to rethink, to value, to create.
© Charlie Alice Raya, book 3/3, shaping, where do we go from here & decisions
Welcome to the easy town project website which is still work progress.
In the future, this website will provide an overview of all business models and business ideas, some of which originated in the easy town books, all of which are part of the easy town projects.
The easy town projects are to become a network of businesses where the empowerment of people, the restoration of our planet, rethinking and reshaping of businesses and economies, and healing and strengthening of our societies are core aims.
What to look out for:
- Introduction of new business models
- Discussions about business practices
- Introduction of new businesses
- Extracts from the easy town books
- Visions for the easy town projects
- First steps
- Profits rethought, profit policies
- Discussions about economic ideas
- Rethinking the past to shape the future
- What do we want?
- The alternative to revolutions
- Making it happen
More content will be added over the next weeks and months.
If you would like to become part of the easy town projects or contribute in any other way, please, get in touch: contact@easy-town.vision
Rethinking business practices
Rethinking Business Practices is one of the most promising propositions for our future. Most people get the lure of rising numbers, blinking tech, winning competitions. It’s a bit like a trip.
But life has so much more to offer, and we can reshape all the strange practices past generations came up with.
You can take a look at some thoughts on Rethinking Business Practices here >
economic growth or economic balances

We will reach a maximum benefit once we accept that the planet is our home and that the other humans are our fellow humans, that empowerment beats competition every day, that we can shape our world in a way that heals our societies, and reconnects us to each other and to the environment. And that will allow us to restore our planet. A restored planet is the basis for unrivalled prosperity.’
© Charlie Alice Raya, book 3/1, shaping, chapter 2
Published on 14 December, the second chapter of the easy town book 3/1, shaping, delivers a powerful discussion about the consequences of economic growth and the arguments for economic balances, introducing what will later be termed economic guardianism.
This discussion is also available on this website. Take a look at the extract from book 3/1, shaping: economic growth versus economic balances >
business ideas, overview
The beauty of a network that works for us & our planet
Coming in the next weeks and months.
book stations
bespoke books network
pepper books
project bank
Brains & Teeth
soap opera
hidden doors
toys around the world
coex building
natural packaging
two wheels
food wheels
lunch trees
Original instruments
beat by beat
hospital supplies
Routes & connections
plastic-free office supplies
plastic-free devices
job shaking

About me
If we tell people what is what, then What will always remain What and never evolve.
I am an explorer who loves to pick up any What and give it a good spin in my playground: the easy town story.
I am a creator who loves to dig deeper and who creates visions of ideas we can test, ideas with the potential of giving us the kind of boosts which will allow us to thrive.
I am an author who has dedicated their work to humanity and the planet. Not for some altruistic reasons, I just don’t like getting angry about the abysmal state of our societies and our habitat. The best way out of our mess is to use our wonderfully squishy brains and come together.
I am Charlie Alice Raya, born in Berlin in 1972, and finally ready to share my work and to be of service.
A good place to get an overview of all the things I am up to is my overview website: www.charlie-alice-raya.org. There are still gaps on this website, but it will keep filling up over the next weeks and months – as will this website.
You can find the easy town books, which are both the source and the playground for many business ideas, on the easy town books website and on the Charlie Alice Raya website.
Get in touch
Emails will be answered within 72 hours whenever possible.