easy town ideas

rethinking businesses


At the core of most easy town ideas is the easy town story which was born out of a need to do better for my friend Easy — hence the name.

By now the story and the project ideas have far outgrown the initial ideas for a small village centre which could help my friend and other neurological patients to regain at least some of their abilities.

In fact, the ideas have made several leaps from village centre to town, from single town to a collection of towns, from hospital management to business management, from questions about groups in society to questions about our sexuality, from a single story which explores ideas to a whole range of stories and several publications — and from a single website to fourteen websites, most of which focus on one of the easy town ideas.

More about this website

This website undergoes some changes and will in the future focus solely on business ideas which originated in the easy town story.

The new overview page will be the www.charlie-alice-raya.org website. The reason is that new projects have emerged which are not as closely connected to the easy town story. More about the new developments and how things develop, now that I’m almost back after a long recovery time, will be coming.

Get in touch

Take a look around and get in touch if you have any comments or questions, if you would like to join the projects or if you would like to offer your support in any other way.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Have a good day.

Charlie Alice Raya, August 2024
Author of the easy town books


We will continue to bring people and ideas from around the world together: not to plunder the planet, not to screw up people, not to exploit — but to rethink, to value, to create.

book 3, shaping

Get in touch

Emails will be answered within 48 hours whenever possible.
