Village, towns and cities are our dwelling places, and in many respects these places have a direct impact on our health and happiness, too often not for the better.

Therefore rethinking how we build, how we compose our towns and cities, how we choose to live, and how we choose to interact with the basis of all life: water, air and earth is essential to improving the quality of our lives and to secure a future on this planet.

Ideas tend to pop up. Some are content to float around for a while. Others are happy to stay inside a story. But some are pretty persistent. They want to become — reality.

notes for 42 towns and counting

town ideas

A visual peek at some of the town ideas presented on towns and cities international website.

Teachester, town idea, graphic
Speakers Grounds, town idea, graphic
WEtree, town idea, graphic
Cancer Sucks Lake, town idea, graphic
Ice Cream Springs, town idea, graphic
Storyland, town idea, graphic
Land Mills, town idea, graphic
Oceans Pride, town idea, graphic
Toyston, town idea, graphic


Rethinking towns and cities is part of the easy town projects, and so far over 77 ideas for thriving and inspiring towns have been created.

These ideas are presented on the towns and cities international website, along with the category rethinking towns and cities, a list with ideas for exceptional gardens for towns and cities, and more ideas which empower humans and nature alike.

icon for the website towns and cities international, part of the easy town project

Casey’s bookshop

This is the fictional story of a town which chose to transform. This is also the concluding example for the book stations worldwide idea. You can read and download the story on the book stations website. And you can download it on this website.

There were more stories of how the towners, newcomers and people from the region found something to get involved in and to become part of the book frenzy.
It was like people suddenly discovered that new worlds could create new worlds — and they could be part of it.

Casey's bookshop, img

‘I heard similar statements from other people. At first, most were suspicious and doubtful about the project, but curious enough to take a peek. And then with each new discussion, you kind of think: well, it’s still a crazy idea, but I’d like to see this town for real, and be one of those who builds it.’
‘Then you’ll stay?’
‘I’m warming to the idea.’

book 1, beginning


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